We have 2 Springs in Oregon. We always get approximately 2 weeks of beautiful spring weather in February and then it goes back to being cold and rainy until June. But our "First Spring" is always enchanting because it is when the snouts appear. Sounds like we're hunting pigs, but what we're really looking for is the snouts of wonderful woodland plants.

Polygonatum biflorum is a tough little woodlander that spreads nicely but isn't invasive. Snouts above, plants below.

Dactylorhiza fuchsii is a terrestrial orchid that likes growing in damp soil in the woodland. Very easy to grow. Snout on top, and flower below.

Disporums are one of my favorite woodland plants. This one is Disporum 'Night Heron'.

Arisaema serrata comes out of the ground like a rocket.

Podophyllum pleianthum poke their noses out early and can get frosted if not covered with evergreen branches

Oh, this is a most welcome sight. Goodness, but you have impeccable taste in woodland plants - the Arisaema, Disporum, Polygonatum, Astilboides, Podophyllum, Dactlorhiza (sp?)and Erythronium...... perhaps we ran a nursery together in a past life! Please keep us [me} posted with this sublime garden's development throughout the Spring months!
I think these are the prettiest 'snouts' I have ever seen :-)
The Dactylorhiza fuchsii blooms are exquisite. Your February spring looks to be an enchanting two weeks.
I love the description of the little "snouts" poking out. It will be a month and half or more before we see any snouts here, so I'm loving your pictures of them popping up.
Hi Cindee~~ This weather is great.
Employing the principles of restraint to keep bankruptcy at bay, Podophyllum is the plant I most covet. I saw a nice sized planting last year at Dancing Oaks and since then the "need" has been growing.
It seems like there is a nice weather week either before or after spring break too. I'm just hoping the really cold stuff has run its course. Your first photo has me craving green.
Hi this is my first visit. How awesome the plants are in your part of the world. I specifically love the plant with polka dotted leaves and the purple flowers! You might also want to see our tropical orchids which might not be common for your to.
Couldn't imagine what you were talking about:) I had never heard of these before. I'm sure it is much to cold here but they are very interesting plants.
I love woodland plants....I would say they are amongst my list of favourites.
Lovely to see your selection.....many of them I am not familiar with.
Lovely post
I am beyond jealous of your Podophyllum... I cannot get them to grow here to save my life!
Snouts! Perfect.
I too wander my garden mid february hunting for snouts. If I remember correctly from a few weeks ago when I could see the ground (ie: before the snow) - we had none. But 3 straigt days of temps in the 40s....we'll see what shows up when the melting completes itself.
Dear Cindee, What a truly remarkable selection of woodland plants - some absolute treasures. You must be delighted when the 'first spring' arrives if this is what is uncovered.
I am so glad to have caught up with you again, since the restoration of Blotanical, and have added myself as a 'Follower' in order not to miss future postings.
Hello Cindee
These are wonderful "snouts" and I never heard of that term till I came over here today. I really do like your woodland area. I especially your orchid - I have one that looks quite similar except for the leaves - mine is tiny and I am never sure if it will come up again the next year. Disporum is a new plant to me so I must look up on that on google - it looks very interesting.
Hi Thanks for popping by my blog. I was spoilt for choice which to visit but this is a lovely post about ome rather unusal plants which we don't have here in the UK
Wow! What intriguing plants! Makes me want to live in Oregon! Thanks for sharing.
Ooh, I love that word...snouts. I must use it 10 times today!!
Don't you love that brand new colour of green in the springtime. So fresh. So perfectly green.
I, too, am bewitched by 'snouts,'
and wonder why that is?
Great post... Spring has sprung in my little garden, too.
An early kerria bloom is one of the sweetest sights.
Glad to see March come rolling in!
Snout hunting! I like having a name for it - I do the same thing, love when the plants first poke up their heads.
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