These little beauties grow off of a corm that can start out the size of a cherry pit and eventually become as large as a saucer. They don’t tolerate much water in the summer, while they are dormant, so put them in a spot away from the irrigation.
I buy them in the winter and plant them in our planters by the front door, then when they fade, I take them down to the woodland and tuck them in with the rest of the patch.
By spring, you will notice seed pods the size of a small marble attached to tendrils wrapped up like a spring. The seeds are often carried off by insects, such as ants that eat the waxy coating and then drop the rest of the seed along the trail back to the ant nest, so it is not uncommon to find a line of cyclamen seedlings leading away from the original patch. Since the little darlings seed so freely, you will soon have a respectful patch without any large investment.